17 Kg Weight Loss Transformation in a month..|| Massive Weight Loss Very Fast || Very Easy Weight Loss All Over the World - Sturdy One Akash


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Wednesday 23 December 2020

17 Kg Weight Loss Transformation in a month..|| Massive Weight Loss Very Fast || Very Easy Weight Loss All Over the World

#GlowingSkin #NoCravings


"All Progress Takes Place Outside the Comfort Zone."    
-Michael John Bobak(digital artist)

And this is how Shweta decided to move out of her comfort zone a year back and started her healthy weight loss journey
As a New IT Professional moving out of home town and working in Pune she started eating a lot of junk food. Long hours of sitting work and an unhealthy diet resulted in a lot of weight gain. She started feeling lazy. Craving sweet foods, salty foods were a part of her daily routine. Looking at her photos ( being a photograph enthusiast) she was feeling depressed and decided to do something about it.

In August 2019 she came across our fitness and after that everything transformed. She says "The healthy weight loss program of Reshape Nation is so beautifully designed that just within first three months I was able to reduce 10kgs with Health Coaches who have deep knowledge of Body and Hormonal Science and of course the #HealthyWeightloss Program. I strictly followed whatever was told to me and I trusted Reshape Nation with my whole heart. And obviously, my decision was correct. Again I would like to thank Reshape Nation for helping me get my college self back and helping in so many aspects like Feeling energetic. My skin started to glow. I'm active the whole day. All the cravings are gone. Solved my digestion problem.
The new me is in front of you all."

Along with the results she talked about even after one year of her #HealthyWeighloss journey, she not only reduced 7 more kilos but with #NoRebounds she is becoming healthier and fit.

As we are at the end of 2020, many would desire to keep a resolution of getting healthy and get back in shape. You all can draw tremendous amount of belief from Shweta's outstanding transformation that you too can achieve the same.

Countless individuals have and are still benefiting in all aspects of their health and are expressing themselves by sharing their happiness from deep within their heart like Shweta.
This makes our entire team very proud. And our determination and commitment to realizing #ObesityFreeIndia gets boosted infinitely.

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