Top 10 countries not effected by Covid-19 (Coronavirus) till the date.. - Sturdy One Akash


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Saturday 30 May 2020

Top 10 countries not effected by Covid-19 (Coronavirus) till the date..

Around more than 1.5 lakhs coronavirus cases, Now India is held in among these top 10 worstly effected Coronavirus. According to worldometer there is 5.92 million cases arround the world till date 30 May 2020, 14:30  and WHO declared it as pandemic, which is higly problematic condition. And the one of the powerful nation USA having the most cases , 

But here are Some Countries not having a single penny of Covid-19 are as follows till date..

#1 North Korea 
#2 Turkmenistan 
#3 Solomon Islands 
#4 Vanuatu 
#5 Samoa 
#6 Kiribati 
#7 Federated States of Micronesia 
#8 Tonga 
#9 Marshall Islands 
#10 Palau 
# 11 Tuvalu 
#12 Nauru

But here are the Top 10 Countries Effected in World by Covid-19 (CoronaVirus) Click the link for more...

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