Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and WhatsApp are down - Sturdy One Akash


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Thursday 4 July 2019

Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and WhatsApp are down

Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and WhatsApp are down and no one can see any photos in them. What's pointing to large hacking? Any Data Leak or Cyber ​​War?

FB, Insta, WhatsApp, Messenger Down: The Beginning of Big Hacking or Cyber ​​War?
Almost all major service-downs of the world's largest social network company. WhatsApp, Messenger and Facebook are stalled in a way. Photo is not loading. This problem is around 8.30 pm (3 July) according to Indian time. Since then people have started reporting it. Facebook has tweeted that the company is working to repair all the services, but till now it has not been told why this problem has come.

More than 1 billion users can not see photos, even download photos on Facebook. Some users on Twitter are also suspecting that Russia and China have cyber attacks on American company Facebook.

Facebook, Messenger, Whatsapp, and Insta have not got trouble for the first time, but this time there are problems in photos. Photos are not visible in the photo, but the details of that photo are visible. Like who is doing in that photo. Even in that photo, a person is laughing or talking, such details are also getting.

Facebook and WhatsApp are billions of users worldwide. People on Twitter are suspecting big hacking or data leaks. Since Facebook has already been in constant scrutiny since the Cambridge Anilika data scandal, the fear of people is also reasonable. Some users on Twitter say that this is happening due to the cyber war, some say that there is a big data leak in Facebook. Some screenshots are really shocking.

Apart from Facebook, Twitter has also made a tweet some time ago. Tweeted by Twitter Support said that the company is working to fix the problem in direct message.

Some experts have tweeted photos that are really shocking. Some people are assuming the launch of cyber war on all tweets of Facebook on tweeters. Internet service has been stalled in Iran for the last 8 days.

A Twitter user has shared a screenshot of the Facebook album, which does not show any photos. But surprisingly, the details of the photo are written in place of the photo. Like who is in the photo and what he is wearing or with whom. These screenshots can be seen clearly in these screenshots.

However, most Facebook users are having trouble viewing any kind of Facebook photos. No photos are being downloaded and can not be viewed on WhatsApp.

Cloudfare, the Internet Security and Software Provider Company, is a world renowned company that had trouble in the past. According to the report, users of this 16 million customer were facing difficulties.

Developing story ...

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